Gautham Karthik about Hara Hara Mahadevaki kollybuzz interview
Photo: Asok

Gautham Karthik Exclusive Chat with Kolly Buzz 

His charming smile stimulates an invigorating fragrance. His cherubic nature and of course, an undeniable elegant looks imbibed to his intrinsic adherence of dedication towards cinema. He deserves such myriad admirations of keeping you awestruck. Such was our short and crisp interaction with Gautham Karthik as he shared some of the best moments and flash points of Hara Hara Mahadevaki. Scheduled for a grand release for this week, the handsome chap gets candid with Kolly Buzz revealing more exclusive facts about the film.

“Experimenting with different genres at this point of time has little risk”

The first and foremost thing that we happened to pull up was his current lineup of movies that are based on different genres. “Well, I don’t think all my current releases including Hara Hara Mahadevaki happened at the same time. I signed Rangoon back in 2014 and Ivan Thandhiran in November 2015. I got onboard with Hara Hara Mahadevaki by beginning of this year,” says Gautham Karthik.

He continues to opine, “I was quite sure that repeating a similar pattern of movies will get audiences bored on me. It usually happens that certain actors are bound to their comfort zone and strengths working accordingly. Be it commercial, action or romantic genres, they’ve glued up and indeed had adverse results after a while. So I was pretty sure from my days of ‘Kadal’ that I didn’t want to be ritually inclined to such practices.”

“No worries! Ladies can comfortably sit back, relax and enjoy watching Hara Hara Mahadevaki”

The Hara Hara Mahadevaki actor has a much positive vibe when experiment with different genres. “Yes, by doing so, we can learn new things. When it comes to this film, this will be a new of its kind adult comedy. In fact, there is a much little risk involved here as far as this film is concerned. There are no elements that would hurt or degrade anyone. This film would give an experience of what you might as shoot-the-breeze conversations among 4-5 teens.”

When there’s a term ‘Adult-Comedy’ tagged to a film, the obvious question would be whether ladies will have their ease while watching it. “No worries! Ladies can comfortably sit back, relax and enjoy watching Hara Hara Mahadevaki. Of course, family audiences are invited, but on conditional apply mode – Come with your friends, but not as a family,” breaks out into laughter as he says it.

“I play Hari, a guy brooding over the breakup crisis”

Naturally, the instantaneous giggles seasoned with howls and whistles happened when HHM teaser was screened in theatres. There is a small problem in their love story. Is it #$%&****”, which you can the rest with the teaser if you haven’t glimpsed on it. Such instances really propelled to know if everything that happens between the guy and gal out here is going to be adult bounded. But Gautham Karthik makes it simple.

“I play the role of a young guy named Hari, a graduate running business on his own. The film begins with a breakup between me and a girl preceded by a flashback that reveals the way we fell in love followed by reason for break up.”

“I was 50% attracted towards HHMD even before the story was narrated. You know why?” 

There must be something that really attracts an actor or anyone over a project when the narration by director happens. So what did really pull Gautham Karthik into the film? Before you would end up with this question, Gautham Karthik swifts up saying, “I was 50% attracted towards HHM even before the story was narrated. You know why? Such was the musical strokes of Balamurali Balu. When Santhosh came to narrate me the story, he initially played me the songs. Being a musician, I was able to judge them and it instantly grabbed by attention.”

“Nikki Galrani is a rare species with unique nature”

Following a series of questions, it was time to get into the most curious zone. Of course, what could u ask better than this to a handsome hero? Particularly, when a beautiful heroine like Nikki Galrani is sharing the screen space with him? In fact, Gautham Karthik has literally showcased a sizzling chemistry with his co-stars from his debut film. “Is it?” smiles up Gautham as an expression of glee, but his answer on Nikki Galrani is a refined genuineness.

“She is so sweet and friendly. How much ever you try to pull her legs, she takes it so easy and enjoys the jokes played on her. She is a rare species with this unique nature. When a person laughs upon themselves, a pure joy springs up in their hearts. Nikki Galrani is one such person. While many actresses don’t prefer dubbing in Tamil with their own voice, she worked on prompting. Since the film was to be completed in a span of just 36 days, we needed an actress who could get her portions done with ease. Obviously, Nikki Galrani proved perfect to our assumptions,” says Gautham Karthik.

“Frankly I break the suspense… Hara Hara Mahadevaki is nothing but”

Aftermath one of our successful questions on heroine, it was time to get some hints upon the title. A title that was spiritually inclined has eventually transformed itself into a cheeky adult stuff. Having said that the film is an adult comedy and a title ‘Hara Hara Mahadevaki’, what would u do? We have the man here to get at least a small idea stolen… But to our surprise, he just broke off the entire gist.

“There is nothing like code word or any YouTube reference, though you might hear that voice in places. Hara Hara Mahadevaki is a resort name, where 5 stories on parallel lanes gets connected,” says our hero, who puts up a satirical statement that these days resorts are getting famous. 

“No one can beat Motta Rajendran for his innocuous nature”

“I have met almost everyone in the star-cast before. We have chewed fat at many social gatherings. I have already worked with Satish in a movie, so we have better understanding. I have spent more time with Karunakaran and Bala Saravanan in many occasions. But to be more honest, Motta Rajendran is the ever sweetest person, I have ever come across.  He is so much soft-hearted with childlike heart. He is very sincere. Just give him a piece of dialogues and the next minute, you will see him memorizing it by a corner. Such happens to be his dedication.”

Finally, winding up with the chat, he comes up with something for audiences like a condition.

“I’ve already said! 18 yrs above are gladly invited, but not the ones below. Family audiences can come, but not together. They can happily and come enjoy with their friends,” signs off Gautham Karthik.