GREED - Kills everything (A Photo story Exhibition) by V. S. Anandha Krishna

GREED – Kills everything (A Photo story Exhibition) by V. S. Anandha Krishna


Human emotions are volatile and at the direst of moments, they bring the best and worst in people. The most destructive of all emotions is greed, which not only kills the perpetuator but also those on the other end.  Being struck by the calamitous nature of events, the concept of GREED was birthed by V.S. Anandha Krishna, one of Chennai’s most prolific photographer, who brings us an astounding repertoire of images, a state of the art display of a photo series talking about the ‘greed’ that overpowers humanity. The concept of man’s greed is conveyed through a collection of 13 frame visual photo story from the perspective of nature and how we seem to exploit its abundance.

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